How Ballast Helps Healthcare Practices Increase Profit and Ease Staffing Challenges

Image of a doctor managing a practice schedule on a laptop.

Healthcare practice owners know that they need to focus on efficient staff scheduling, primarily for the following reasons: 

  1. Having sufficient staffing to meet practice demand is essential for quality care.

  2. Provider and clinical staff payroll are usually the largest expenses for practices and optimized staff scheduling can save practices millions of dollars per year in profit. 

  3. Provider and staff retention is critical for practices and has never been more challenging than in the wake of the pandemic. Practices can improve employee satisfaction and retention by better managing supply and demand to avoid overburdening providers and clinical staff.

Many healthcare practices don’t have the time or resources to create the best solutions. That’s where Ballast comes in. Ballast works with healthcare practice clients to optimize their staffing plans by using employee hours and visit data to track efficiency metrics that inform practice managers of  under-or-over-performing locations, providers, or clinical staff members so that they can make changes accordingly.

Let's break down how Ballast helps healthcare practices increase profit and ease staffing challenges.

How We Do It

Ballast starts by setting benchmarks for provider and staff efficiency that are tailored specifically for each healthcare practice client. This allows us to track the right metrics that will give practice managers an accurate picture of how their locations, providers, and clinical staff members are performing. We then use historical data from each healthcare practice client to optimize forecasted supply (labor) and demand (visits). Once this is done, we can help scheduling managers develop an efficient staffing plan that considers quality care, profit maximization and employee burden.

The Benefits of Working with Ballast

By working with Ballast, healthcare practices will benefit from increased profits due to lower overhead costs related to payroll. In addition, working with a professional team like ours ensures that all staffing plans have been expertly designed according to industry standards and best practices without having to spend countless hours researching them yourself. Finally, our team also helps ensure that your staff is not overworked by providing realistic estimates on patient visits per hour per provider so you can adjust your schedules accordingly.

At Ballast, we understand the importance of efficient staffing plans for healthcare practices and the impact they can have on increasing profits while easing any associated staffing challenges. We work closely with our clients by setting benchmarks for provider and staff efficiency based on their specific needs. We use historical hours and visit data to create an optimized staffing plan that takes into account all necessary factors while staying within budget constraints. Working with us will save both time and money while ensuring your staff remains productive without overworking them. Contact us today if you want more information about how Ballast can help your healthcare practice increase profit and ease staffing challenges!


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